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Successor Trustee and Agent Changes

February 11, 2025      by: tlaw

Successor Trustee and Agent changes are a few critical changes to note in 2025 for your estate planning.

Avoiding Probate

October 6, 2024      by: tlaw

Probate: A grueling, neverending process that tears families apart. When someone passes away, there are numerous different things that the family has to deal with. If the deceased only had a Will when they passed, their entire estate would have to go through probate, which means that the Will must be proven in a court … Continue reading Avoiding Probate

Asset Protection for Your Home

June 6, 2024      by: tlaw

It is often shocking to discover how vulnerable your most valuable asset is to being lost. Yet, a few simple, inexpensive asset protection steps can protect your home.

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6 Estate Planning Myths

February 5, 2024      by: tlaw

When it comes to estate planning, there are several myths. And not knowing fact from myth can be very costly.

Joint Tenancy

Joint Tenancy and its Perils

January 14, 2024      by: tlaw

Joint Tenancy – it is quick, convenient, and tempting. It used to be called “The Poor Man’s Will.” And it is fraught with potential disaster. Consequently, aside from marital funds, you should be very cautious of ever using it to title assets.

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Estate Plan Valid if You Move?

September 17, 2023      by: tlaw

If you move your legal residence, must you change your estate plan?

Americans move an average of 12 times in their lifetimes and as frequently as once every five years. Does your estate plan move with you?

As with all legal issues, the answer to that question is unnecessarily complicated.

Gun transfer on death or disability

Firearm Transfers Following Death or Disability

August 29, 2023      by: tlaw

Firearm ownership transfers upon disability or death are covered in the Illinois Trust Code. With the statute, firearm ownership upon disability is fraught with potential issues.

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Beware of the Quitclaim Deed

May 24, 2023      by: tlaw

A quitclaim deed doesn’t even ensure that the person has the legal right to sell or transfer the property. Consequently, a quitclaim deed is the least safe form of title transfer, while a warranty deed is the safest

alt="Tom Tuohy of Tuohy Law Offices at his desk"

March 20, 2023      by: tlaw

The Illinois Power of Attorney Act provides, in part, that every individual has the right to appoint an agent to make property, financial, personal, and health care decisions for that individual.

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Legal Capacity Consequences

January 22, 2023      by: tlaw

The American Bar Association defines ‘legal capacity’ as “the ability to perform a task – or make a decision. State laws set out the standards of legal capacity for various tasks – consent to treatment, make a Will, Trust or Deed, and make a gift or contract.