Asbestos Attorney Chicago
Over 40 Years of Experience with Landmark Cases
Our co-counsel firm has represented thousands of clients in asbestos-related mesothelioma claims and recovered over $3 billion in damages. They have argued on behalf of clients in landmark cases that have shaped mesothelioma litigation in Illinois and nationwide.
In addition to these landmark cases, the firm has been appointed to leadership roles in almost all major asbestos bankruptcy committed by the United States Courts. These positions protect victims’ rights and ensure that asbestos corporations seeking bankruptcy protection are not allowed to avoid compensating those they injured in the past.
Asbestos Exposure Related Mesothelioma is a Severe
Cancerous Disease
The majority of a person’s internal organs are protected by a coating known as the mesothelium. Healthy cells in mesothelium follow a regular lifespan. Cells afflicted with Mesothelioma fail to follow this usual pattern and may spread to other areas of the body, causing destruction.
Common types of malignant Mesothelioma:
- Peritoneal Mesothelioma, which afflicts the abdominal lining, is usually caused by swallowing asbestos fibers. Symptoms include abdominal pain or swelling, weight loss, bowel obstruction, and lumps in the tissue in the abdomen.
- Pleural Mesothelioma is concentrated in the lung lining and is the most common form of Mesothelioma, affecting over 80% of all diagnoses. Symptoms include shortness of breath, weight loss, difficulty swallowing, painful coughing, chest pain, and a build of fluid in the lungs or chest.
- Pericardial Mesothelioma, which affects the lining of the heart. Symptoms include chest pain and tightness around the heart, weight loss, and irregular breathing and heartbeat during exertion.
Who is At Risk for Asbestos Exposure?
Incidence rates of asbestos exposure-related Mesothelioma have increased in the past 20 years, mainly due to the long incubation rate from initial exposure. Almost all people who develop Mesothelioma have worked on job sites where they inhaled asbestos particles or were military veterans exposed during their service. ( link to our veteran’s landing page) The risk of Mesothelioma will increase with heavier and more prolonged exposure to asbestos. However, some individuals with only a brief exposure have developed Mesothelioma.
Mesothelioma occurs more often in men than women, and the risk increases with age. However, Mesothelioma may appear in either men or women at any age.
Asbestos was widely used in many industries and thousands of products and is still used in some construction materials today, with asbestos remaining in many buildings, ships, and automobiles.
Workers who renovate buildings may inhale asbestos fibers in the air; workers’ families may inhale fibers released by clothes that have been in contact with asbestos. Also, people who live or work near asbestos-related operations might inhale asbestos fibers released into the air.
Common Asbestos Products
- Construction Products; ceiling and floor tiles, joint compounds, installation, caulk, cement, adhesives, roofing, shingles, and siding.
- Electrical Materials; wires and cables, valves, wiring insulation, boilers, furnaces, pumps, heating ducts.
- Automotive Parts; brake pads, brake linings, clutch linings, transmission plates.
- Fireproofing Materials; fire blankets, fire doors, gloves, clothing, weather coating.
- Military Uses; ships, barracks, HQ buildings, planes, shipyards, military vehicles, boilers, engine rooms, exploded buildings, and vehicles in war zones.
- Consumer Products; crock pots, hair dryers, ironing board covers, stove mats, fertilizer, potting soil. Fume hoods.
Compensation for Asbestos Exposure Related Mesothelioma
A person who can prove that they were exposed to asbestos may be able to recover damages for that exposure, which includes:
- The cost of past and future medical care;
- The cost of rehabilitation;
- Lost and future wages;
- Lost earning capacity;
- Lost enjoyment of life;
- Emotional distress;
- Past and future pain and suffering.
Since mesothelioma cancer can develop over 10-50 years after exposure, most people are unaware they have been exposed. Therefore, in most states, you can file a lawsuit to recover damages from 1-2 years after discovering your asbestos-related illness. Significantly, our attorneys can help you determine when you were exposed and determine who is liable for your condition and damages.
Suppose you have been diagnosed with asbestos-related Mesothelioma. In that case, it is essential to contact our office today at 1-312-559-8400 and fill in the Contact Form on this page below or any page of our website. We will respond promptly and
Regardless of exposure to asbestos, you are entitled to file a legal claim against the entity responsible for your condition.
Call Tuohy Law Offices today at 1-312-559-8400 for a free no-obligation consultation about your potential claim.
Please click these links for detailed information regarding Veteran’s Mesothelioma, Car Accidents, Worker’s Compensation, Nursing Home Neglect & Abuse, and Products Liability.