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Living Trust

Give Your Children the Living Trust Gift that Keeps on Giving

April 15, 2018      by: tlaw

You spend the better part of your life working and worrying about your children’s well being.  When it is your time to go, you can leave them with a legacy gift that secures their future.

Probate, Living Trust

The Truth About Probate and Why You Should Avoid It.

July 9, 2017      by: tlaw

Probate: What it is. Why you should avoid it. Probate is the process of administering the estate of someone who has died or becomes incapacitated. It exists because no one can legally sign your name, even your spouse. According to the AARP, over $2 billion dollars is spent in Probate-related expenses, an average of 2-7% … Continue reading The Truth About Probate and Why You Should Avoid It.

Living Trust in the Season of Giving and Planning

December 18, 2016      by: tlaw

Here we are again. It is hard to believe how quickly time passes. Snow on the ground and another Holiday Season. Ask yourself two questions: Are we giving enough? Have you planned for when you are gone and protected your family with a Living Trust?

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