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Estate Plan Valid if You Move?
If you move your legal residence, must you change your estate plan?
Americans move an average of 12 times in their lifetimes and as frequently as once every five years. Does your estate plan move with you?
As with all legal issues, the answer to that question is unnecessarily complicated.
Firearm Transfers Following Death or Disability
Firearm ownership transfers upon disability or death are covered in the Illinois Trust Code. With the statute, firearm ownership upon disability is fraught with potential issues.
HealthCare Legal Document and School
Are you ready? Letting go of the kids is hard. If you are packing up the kids or grandkids for a year away at college or thinking about your own plans, health care is never far from your thoughts.
Legal Capacity Consequences
The American Bar Association defines ‘legal capacity’ as “the ability to perform a task – or make a decision. State laws set out the standards of legal capacity for various tasks – consent to treatment, make a Will, Trust or Deed, and make a gift or contract.
Is a Gun Trust Necessary?
Firearm ownership transfers upon disability or death are covered in the Illinois Trust Code. With the statute, firearm ownership upon disability is fraught with potential issues.
Your Guardianship Risk
The reality is that every one of us is at risk of becoming a ward of the state – under order and control of the court system.
Your Summer Checklist
A checklist helps to ensure there are no gaps in your health care, financial, insurance, or estate plan documents.
Health Care Power of Attorney and Kids
Is it necessary for your children to have a Health Care Power of Attorney document? The short answer is- Maybe
A Chicago Cop, George Halas, and Prince
What could those three people possibly have in common? Horrendous estate planning.
Know Your Health Care Rights
We have all experienced the health care system. Honestly, can you say you are looking forward to your next experience? Part of it is the uncertainty of what we will find out. However, most of our anxiety and frustration is about the feeling we are not in control. Well, you can be, and you have the right to be in total control of your health and your care.