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Gun transfer on death or disability

Firearm Transfers Following Death or Disability

August 29, 2023      by: tlaw

Firearm ownership transfers upon disability or death are covered in the Illinois Trust Code. With the statute, firearm ownership upon disability is fraught with potential issues.

Image of a gun that can e owned by Gun Trustby joshlsnader from Pixabay

Is a Gun Trust Necessary?

September 18, 2022      by: tlaw

Firearm ownership transfers upon disability or death are covered in the Illinois Trust Code. With the statute, firearm ownership upon disability is fraught with potential issues.

Firearms Transfer Rules Update

October 25, 2021      by: tlaw

Whether at your retirement or death, an often overlooked issue can cause many problems. Whether you have two firearms or 20+, transferring them to another person is a process. I know you understand how someone did that a few months ago. However, like everything else, times have changed. Firearms Transfer During Your Lifetime During your … Continue reading Firearms Transfer Rules Update

Alt="Asset protection nest egg"

Are Your Assets Protected?

June 20, 2021      by: tlaw

Asset protection is more important than ever before. Today, you have risks at every turn. Lawsuits, high cost of long-term care, auto and home accidents, or years of Probate. All too often, we settle and fail to consider the importance of comprehensive protection. In other cases, all we need is the best legal document to … Continue reading Are Your Assets Protected?

Gun transfer on death or disability

Gun Transfers Following Death or Disability

September 11, 2019      by: tlaw

The recently passed new Illinois Trust Code. covers ownership transfers of guns upon disability or death. Gun Ownership upon Disability With the new statute, gun ownership upon disability is fraught with potential issues. Even if you currently possess a FOID card, you may become ineligible to possess your guns if you are: Prohibited from possessing … Continue reading Gun Transfers Following Death or Disability